I wrote this on a smartphone and posted it on Facebook, so the format is a bit off for there as it is here. I did intend this for my blog here so here it is, although late, from the original post date of March 16th, 2016. I did fix a few things to the format so it still looks normal here at least (also fixed the post date to show the original date I posted on Facebook too, today is April 16th, exactly a month later).
Hope it comes out "ok". :)
....Also I have a few other posts on Facebook that should be here too, so I will be bringing them here as well. Hope you have your reading eyes on, so here they go......
[ As posted on my Facebook timeline: ]
The following truly should be posted on my blog, but for sake of simplicity, I am just typing it here. I am also a bit unfocused from my
meds, so bear with me (I don't handle meds very well, but the pro/con balance says I should deal with the cons to have the pros! *dull "yay"*). I may simply copy and paste this to my blog later
on, but for now, since things will begin tomorrow, I choose to post
here so all who read this has some form of update of this girl who has
for the most part been absent from the usual online activities I been
more known for. Also I am typing this from my brother's phone so format
may look a bit odd. Now for my actual post........
Hi everyone,
Coincidences sure can be an amazing aspect of life especially when u
add the fact that most people's lives are connected to the net, where we
either share our experiences, and or read about others' journeys, or
simply read news about whats going on in the fields of health and
treatments that are increasingly successful today.
Within the many YouTube channels I subscribe to about sciences, life,
inspiration and simple stories of everyday basic life of prospective you-tubers trying to find success in a growing industry of online media, I
often find myself viewing videos newly posted each day that oddly
happen to coincide with something I am going thru in my life, or with a
funny subject of a conversation with my brother the night before or a
thought in my head the very moments I hit the play button on one of
those new videos on my subscribed list.
The same, yet
scary coincidences I find occur here on Facebook too. I have been
reading much about many friends directly or slightly indirectly coming
back into the subjects of cancer. I do not silently giggle about what I
mostly find, but I do tend to "lol" when it comes to my thoughts of
having to suddenly pee right at the moment I start watching a video
about "body hacks", where one such "trick" mentioned was if you find u
must pee in a bad way and are not yet at or near a potty, simply scratch
your calf/back of your lower leg, and the urge will ease for a bit, and
allow you to stand in those lines waiting at times, without doing that
well known dance.
So many coincidences but I will not list them all, so on with the point...
Tomorrow I will be starting something I have lately been reading of others talking about going thru or will soon be doing.
Now, I know by this point many reading this are thinking just what I am
going on about, and some of you may already know exactly what I am
typing about here. What I will say for now is, I am optimistic, I am
confident things will go "ok".
To put it in words I can simplify from a far longer post here into far less typing....
Oct. 30th, 2012 - Mar. 10th, 2016 ~Jennifer Wolf"
Now for some details...
What contrasted scans found after several tests to narrow down blood
lab result changes over the last few months are, two spots. One the size
of a pea in my liver, another smaller in a "local" lymph gland. Although
this sounds scary and spreading, it is not as spread as it sounds, so do
to my overall health being good lately otherwise, they want to do full
chemo treatments for at least a month to see how the spots react and may
go for longer depending on what they find at that point, after which I
will be back on chemo pills (low dose) for at least a month or two after
full treatment ends. I used to be on these before but I heard there's a
slight change now for this than before.
I know
"treatment" does not end per say, but I look at it as episodes of a tv
series, where events come in chapters rather than a long drawn out 3-6
month suspense movie.
So for now, I will truly be off and on the net as I stroll down this new path of my journey.
Worry not as I am far better off today than I was before, and I along
with treatment will be far more aggressive than this cancer is, which my
docs officially are calling a 2nd round, also officially ending my
remission status.
Optimism, hope, modern sciences, faith
and prayers may sound like two ends of the belief spectrum, but they are
what I do try to maintain focus on, and simply put, that's how I roll!
Be well and do take care. Things on my end are ok considering so worry
not. I am not worried for where this path leads me, but I will be honest
that I am terrified for the unknown detours a journey can suddenly
take. Even though, Im content with my being fully prepared for anything
too. And I do in fact plan to getting past this little bump in the road
for sure.
Thank you for reading.
Bye for now!
~Jennifer Wolf o:)
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