Friday, October 11, 2013

Where have I been? I think I got lost, mebbe...



A Lost Girl, An Unknown Journey Ahead, And a few Frustrations to Pewpew!

Hi everyone,   I know it has been  like,  three months,  but   life just gets interesting  at every turn of each day. Even days where nothing seems to occur!  Ya,  I been  on a breather from my usual activities online,  I have had a lot of thinking to do,   frustrations to sort (resolve still pending *grrs*), and baddies to  pew pew.   I been lost in my head lately, but Im finding my way,  one "baddie" at a time!

I am at that point where I am walking better. I know, big yay moment,  and I am happy about it,  but due to  some other drawbacks of the damage done, I am still unable to really get back to the work I once did.  I have options, but none seems to be the right thing for my  vision of my  future, and I do not want to just jump in to get out in haste and be sorry later on. I want to  think, I want to   find the answer I seek,  the  door  to open to my beginning of life,  again.

It is of  unknown proportions that effort that will be required,  and I have the drive to  succeed,  but  things  get in the way, but I  overcome each as they  appear, but  I end up in the same place,  each day.  In my room,   by my pc,  wondering what I should do next for the moment.  Do I watch a show on netflix?,  shall I write in my blog?,   Shall I update my  job search status,  again?,   shud I just log into Rift and kill some baddies to  make me feel   I  let some  built up steam  caused from all my frustrations?  I  tend to   find funny ways to  release  stress,  and   in the past,  it was World of Warcraft,  and  these days,  I  have  tried  a game called Rift,  it is fun, very much like WoW,  but   more  in early stages of development  compared to WoW. It is   awesome and I am a hunter,  and so there lies the  meaning of,  "pew pew"   as the arrows  go pew from my bow,  killing the baddies, lol.

Shall I get rest now and then?  Shall I  try to level my character more before I sleep?

Times can play funny things on the mind when in situations of  thot, while in a place you wish to move on from in your real life, as things pile up on you keeping you  in place.  I will not give up trying,  but OMG,  let me get  going already!  So,   to take breaks from  my  unrelenting thoughts of figuring what I can do,  as I look up one link after another,  apply,   get  rejections,  one , after another, after another....,    and  just   , at times I find myself buried in my pillow,  just  tired, mentally, and I cry,   for hours.

What  can a girl do to  stop this?  She plays  an MMO game!  Ya,  I  found  killing baddies  has a therapeutic aspect to it,  even tho the baddies are only pixels battling  pixels, lol.  Everything these days  has a user interface,  and my life lately  has been   utilizing  a UI from  an MMO,  called Rift.   Now put  my frustrations,  together with meds I still take,  and  my mind that never stops, and a fun game,  and  you get  long play time to occupy  the mind enough to   not feel overwhelmed by the  insanity of real life situations at hand. What you get, is  me playing this game for  long periods of time,   restless,   yet tired,   focused,  to level, and help the group achieve quests and such.  I'm such a game nerd now huh?   Oh well,  so be it! Nuthin wrong wif it!!  *gives  the crazy eye stare*    o.O

I will say this,  even in an MMO,  you can still meet awesome people. and  create a bond unlike  usual friendships in games. Another thing is,  most players tend to be guys,  and are just there to goof around and  just be  silly and  do  nothings all day, lol.  Girls do play too, this one does (points to self),  and others as well. In WoW I met families,    married couples,  and their kids, young, old, middle aged, you name it. I felt  like part of a family instead of a group of  goofballs in WoW, and I  enjoyed my time with them.  I miss them  to this day, since I no longer play, to save money for bills that will never end, and I hope I never lose contact of the few I still have from WoW on my FB list.

Jewels, gems, ...and stars,  a new analogy of friends! 

"Take a falling star and put it in your pocket....."   What?! 28 straight hours in game?!  


Rift has brought me two new friends,  and  as I have mentioned about gems you find along the way on your path in your journey,   my life's crown  shines brighter with  them.   How I actually met one,  I  can't recall to be honest, I will have to get back to  that one in a bit, but  the first,  was  a guy who  grouped up with me and started helping me quest, and vise-versa. Before you knew it I was in his guild, and  so ended my play as a solo player.  Rift is  very quiet compared to WoW,  and  most  never talk,  so I  never try to be honest,  I am however there in this game to vent some  built up steam in my rl, but  here I am,  just   killing baddies, and I  find  friends when I was least looking. Sometimes  I find I trip on  great jewels  on my life's path, when I was not paying attention, lol.

Now  the second friend,  I  honestly can not  recall how I met,  but  she was this awesome healer in game,  and  I  do recall  the area, but   ,   meds  just  do bad things to my mind so I   tend to blank out  in moments  trying to remember things,  so  this be one.  Yes   meds do suck,   they   change the  moods,  change the  thots,   cause problems,  but keep u alive from  things  getting worst,  keeping   conditions  at a tolerable state to live life, but sometimes in a fog, lol.   So,  about this  new friend,    she   groups with me and I help pew pew best I cud,    and   far as I can recall her saying,  she liked how I controlled my pet,   and  ,  (blank) I no remember the rest, but she in my friend list,    then next thing,   she asks to join the guild.  Sometimes,   those  gems in your life just find their way in your pocket,  and you can not recall how  you got it in there, but the  feeling of joy to find such a jewel is the same,   one more to the crown!   Life  does get brighter from such gems in my life.

Now,   many  levels later,   this girl and I (I'll call her Star, Stargazer, as  that's her toon name) has grouped together  running quests,  killing badies,  she healing me as I  unleash my pewpew on big baddie mobs and  it has made  the game  so much more fun. I  have to say,  after  getting to know  friends better,  I  tend to separate the game from  real life and the game becomes just like any other communicative   format,  and  just like Secondlife,  we just  get into  convos   that have nothing to do bout the game, lol.  Its fun to  have girl talk, since I  talk to  guys mostly in games and  I   just   never get  time to be  with   my girly friends and chat  bout  stuffs like I used to, lol. Terminal illness can  find one with less friends in real life due to their not coping with it, or fears of it,  just  not wanting to  deal with knowing a friend is suffering. In the end I  found to be  with just a handful of real life pre-online existence friends left,  and all but my best friend/caregiver Cindy,  are guys!

So,   ty Star,   for  not only being awesome healer, but  being an awesome friend, and  staying  ingame, in the guild,  healing my pewpew butt for over 24hrs, straight, lol.   Never met anyone who can  stay up like I do, lol. I am  honored to know u,  and I see so much of me in you,    it is deja vu I sez!  Growing a bond with friends is a great thing,  and  being considered as your big sis has made me happy,  I  always  wanted a lil sis,  never had a sis in rl,  only my brother,  and I am grateful for him, and for having a sis too! Yay to having a sis!  :D  ..and she the best healer player I met too,  I so proud of u!

Mebbe  that's why I don't recall finding  this gem (my friend Stargazer),   this jewel  was a Star all along!  o:).

What to come next? What to do until then? What to find to poke in my ear to stop the insane thoughts of frustrations?!!  I'm just kidding..  And did this blog not  turn out as small as I thought it would be?


I have  some  stuffs to  sort for sure, but one thing is certain, I do need to get my life on track, I do need to  be on my own,  pay my way,  be the "me" I once was,  somehow.    I am thinking about taking a class in ASL,  I am thinking of  winning the lottery,  I am thinking of  going back in time and kicking my ass for  not getting checked and dragging myself to the hospital to avoid this  insane experience.  I am thinking I think too much, and so  why I find ways  to cope,  ways to tune out,  ways  to overcome the struggles and their  misery they cause to one's mind. I must  move forward,  as  going back to fix my past is not an option. I will continue to be strong, to be driven to succeed,  to  overcome my failures along the way,  and  be better each time I try again,  and again, and again.  If I die trying,  at least I went down  fighting, to have the life I had before cancer interrupted  my  momentum.

For now,  I will play Rift,  I will keep  commenting on  FB posts as I  been doing, I will chat with my dear friends,  I will  still be  me as I  always been,  but  I  say this to all concerned....    Don't worry if things  get quiet in my routine of activity, don't worry if I  take more breaks from  one  thing or other,   or just not log in to  certain  places (SL and Iw), and don't worry  when my posts  are simply  me venting  to the world,  I  no mean  offense to anyone if I  get  harsh in words, I  always edit out that stuffs, but  who knows what may  pop up if the fog  gets thick. Sometimes I just miss  what I say or do and  people  get confused,  but,  never forget,  you are not the only one confused at the moment, in fact, I  have  been  confused for the past 5 years.  

Think of that perspective,  if you have never  dealt with  such illnesses before.  Its not easy to imagine,  just as I  think of those  going through worst,   I just  can not  imagine their struggles,  being so much worst than my own.  Our "worst" is  purely   personal perspective in comparison,  and one's  "worst moment" is a cakewalk to another,  and is an  instant life-ender to others.   We all have different measures to life's crap, and how we tolerate them.  Just as there are no two cancer cases the same, no two treatment protocols the same,  so is very similar to  tolerance lvls, no two are the same from one person to another.   

So to those dealing with your worst right now in your life,   let me offer my support,  chat with me,  and we can help each other in this hell together. Life is not all hard, it does get better,  I promise you that.  We are stronger together, not alone. I  love  my friends deeply for this very thing,  I am honored to have them in my life to lean on,  and I hope to  have my shoulder  available to them too.  We all need to lean on someone from time to time, and I  know I always try to be the one to help,  to  guard my friends from injury,  to  be  the protector from life's harm.  But when I got sick,  I  learned how  it feels to need  the help, and  be protected even from myself at times.  

I thank you  for the help,  everyone,   simply by reading this post and all others before,   it helps me  to know,    that my   journey  has given some   inspiration to  someone to  find the  few  green patches in their own life to  breath and regain the strength to  go on, and find the  better place to be.  In life, without  suffering.   Pew pew the baddies!!    ....and again, ty for reading my story. 

*hugs you all*

Jennifer C. Wolf    o:)