The hospital missed me!
The subject title of this post is just a play on words of how times can feel literally, and then on a moment of clarity, you realize, "its already February"! I know its been since the last few minutes of 2012 I last posted, and in that time its been a bit interesting for me to say the least. To start, I had some hospital time with yet another operation. This time not having to do with cancer, but a cyst. I cant recall the technical term they used but it was considered a simple cyst, that grew fast and caused issues. All in all, I am better now and feel no pain anymore and that is a good thing.
The flu season, grrr!
About four days into being home from the hospital I started feeling a bit sick in a way I have not felt in a long time, thankfully. My neck felt cramped, I felt a bit dizzy each time I would get up more than usual, my temp went up, and then I was officially sick with the flu. How does someone like me get sick when I'm on so many vitamins and eating so healthy? Answer: I got it in the hospital most likely. Apparently the body's immune system takes a bit of a hit during surgery so I'm guessing I was not well armed against the bug, and I got sick, really sick, bad bad sick, but not overnight at the hospital sick, just a half day on IV and another temporary med to add to my collection of pill intake.
It took literally a month to get over this for me, due from the lingering left overs that caused bad headaches, on top of the prednisone-caused headaches and just pure blahness. On top of dealing with a bad flu, I am nowhere near recovered from my battle with cancer, and am still treating my AIH, which by the way is coming along well with the prednisone, despite my misery of the side effects which for me include bad headaches that originate behind my eyes, itchiness on my arms, some dizziness getting up or slight difficulty doing so, and thankfully not a lot of "bad" weight gain, although I could use some weight gain after losing so much early on in my battle with cancer. Regaining has been hard for me and my diet makes that hard to do as well, especially how I must eat 5-6 meals a day, small meals.
Anyhoo, I am feeling better lately and getting back to my pred-mess self instead of pred-flu-mess self that couldn't read for 5 minutes without a migraine, let alone write (err, type, lol) and post as I do. So, for now, I'm getting back to my online self again.
Relay For Life of Second Life
Well its time to start relaying ppls! Yes this year I have joined a team and I am going to do my best not to miss the event this year. Last year had a mess for me going on with tests and everything that lead to me hearing my doc finally say "all-clear" a few months later. Going in to retest, rescan to clarify previous blood tests a month prior, then going on my camping trip, and returning to odd results, to require more tests, requiring my small local camp trip to help my nerves calm since we were stressed pass a point of popping with our anxiety filling our home enough to fill a neighborhood, to end greatly with all-clear. :)
I will post up a separate post for the Relay For Life info so if anyone would consider to join and or donate to our efforts to raise money for American Cancer Society at the Relay For Life of Second Life I will have links there to all needed info.
To all still reading my blog/posts/tweets/etc, thank you for sticking around. I done my best to fix any areas of this blog that lost track or made no sense, but I am trying to work through the mind fog I been in since mid Jan. It is funny to reread something I wrote and get lost on what I was talking about myself.
Bye for now *hugs* ~Jenn o:)
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