The wish in a dream...
Before I begin, I need to find a tiara.
*finds an old plastic head band and grabs some foil*
Yay!, now for my little speech...
*walks to the end of the stage and types into the SGD (speech generating device) keyboard beside the mic*
"I want to help end world hunger, and I truly would love to see a cure for world diseases in my lifetime. And I would also like to share a link to this e-book written by Kristin Ebey to those with first hand experience with Autism and other related brain disorders. Thank you all very much"
*accepts a bouquet of flowers as I throw a kiss to the crowd, and turns around to walk off-stage*
A girl can dream, can't I?! ...Ok, back to reality, lol... It would be nice if beauty queen stereotype-speeches would include more wishes of world disease/disorder cures too, and if I could be worthy of my little homemade tiara as well, LOL. Some examples of diseases off the top of my head that need cures are: Cancer, Diabetes, AutoImmune Disease, and brain disorders, such as Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism), ADD/ADHD, and even Bipolar and Schizophrenia. There are so many more health issues than I listed that are in need of a cure and if I had a magic genie lamp, I would be sure to spend my wishies wisely.
...Wise wishies, ...wishy wisdom. *giggles* ...I'm a nutter, I know, but a good nutter with a heart, so I hope you see that quality in me throughout my blog and journey. o:)
Choosing the best path
I know in this day and age, we tend to rely heavily on medical prescriptions that treat symptoms of diseases or even simple ailments, prescriptions that are artificially made and can contribute more symptoms themselves to add to the list of health problems over the initial problem/s. I know this vicious cycle well, but I now take much less meds than before and am getting better, slowly, but time will tell for me, I still have a long path to travel after all. I am thankful for making it through my journey, which did include un-natural treatments, meds, you name it, but also included alot of natural things. Natural things such as fruits, veggies, tea, herbal supplements, and a change to a much less-gluten diet. It is so hard to go full non-gluten on a tight budget, the shopping bill goes so high on that unfortunately.
Surviving unique risks
I just wish I could write a book outlining my advice of surviving liver cancer (if that was at all even possible) and on into my AIH (my case being far milder than most). It is just impossible to do such a thing for cancer such as mine as every cancer case is so different. What got me this far, were many moments of risky "ledge-walking" decisions, where nothing else mattered anymore and I was going down either way but if I did nothing, I would have never got back up out of the darkness that surrounded the choices I was faced with in such times. I took the risk, just as if I was on a climbing hike, and I just had to get past that steep narrow cliffy ledge section of trail to reach that peak top. It is just not for everyone, and my choices simply don't apply to the majority, or anyone for that matter, since there are no two cases the same in cancer, no matter what people say.
A story of hope...
...and I inherited what?!
So now, what I want to share with you is an amazing e-book titled "A Natural Approach to reversing brain disorders-learning disabilities with Young Living", that contains a story that covers a journey that brings tears to my eyes, good tears, probably due to the fact that in my family, there have been issues with schizophrenia, bipolar, and many cases of brain disorders like dyslexia, along with cancer, and many other health issues like diabetes/hypoglycemia and HBP, and the ironic curse of old age for most in my family (can you believe that? we get to live to our 90s+ with this mess, if we survive it all, lol). Gotta love family genes that pass down that mess mixed in with a high chance at longevity, right?, lol.
learning, loving, accepting
On the subject of bipolar issues, I have done much reading to learn about psychology, just enough to understand how to cope, and to help those in my family the best I could in the last few years living at home, along with acceptance, love, and forgiveness, although my efforts were unsuccessful a lot of the time, I did try at least. I also learned to improve myself on many levels and, well, no matter how far I got, I have a ways to go for improvements, such as self acceptance post cancer. That is a work in progress, trust me when I say its not easy for me, but its progress. So brain disorders is something I have come to understand to some degree with family experiences and observations, and is why I come to this post, and this e-book that I feel can help so many people who are faced with their own difficult journey such as is covered in Kristin's e-book.
A wonderful tool of knowledge gained from experience.
This e-book has a wealth of information based on a journey of a loving mother and her daughter overcoming obstacles of high function autism without using drug medications. I myself have not read it, but one day Ill be able too, but I know enough of this story to say, that I truly recommend this e-book to anyone who's life has been touched by autism within their circle of family and friends. Kristin Ebey (author of the e-book) is one of those moms you see/hear/read about and you get those happy tears of how loved her children are. Such hope I have for the newer generation of the world with moms like her. If you know of anyone who may benefit from this e-book, please pass on this link to them. Or gift it to them. o:)
Kristin has been featured on a blog about her story in a post titled: "Mothers Find Answers in Using Essential Oils for Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADD/ADHD and OCD". it is a good example of what is found in her e-book, but her e-book has so much more information, based on what I seen alone in the preview on Amazon. I strongly urge anyone who knows someone who has a newly diagnosed child with Autism, to share this blog post, or simply this link to Kristin's e-book, to them. If a Kindle is not available, you can always download and install this app program to your pc or mac, you can choose formats, and you will have the ability to view e-books written for kindles on your computer! With dedication, and a will to beat Autism or other related disorders, anything can be achieved if you don't give up, if you have faith in having results and stay determined with loving dedication, just like Kristin Ebey.
Overcoming the impossible
My best friend Cindy had faith in my insane choices I made throughout my journey with cancer, even though she didn't agree with them, but knew I had to choose for myself, and she supported me through it all, even when things got scary, complicated and times got dark for us, she helped me make it. So loving determination and a will to live life, taking risks, and never giving up on goals, can result in the impossibilities everyone else doubt we can ever reach. I survived cancer, and have made goals that I am now reaching, advocating, reaching out, offering my support however I can, and smiling everyday. Kristin's daughter overcame her high function autism and is now living life, smiling, enjoying and reaching goals most never see with Autism. To me they are an amazing mother daughter team. I am so happy for their achievements. o:)
To recap on links, here is a list of linkies again, as given thru my blog above via hyperlinks:
Kristin Ebey's E-book titled "A Natural Approach to reversing brain disorders-learning disabilities with Young Living", available on
The place to find the App program to install on your computer if you don't have a Kindle, so there's always a way to read Kristin's e-book!
Blog featuring Kristin Ebey and her story. A good read on its own and a great example of what can be found in her e-book, that includes so much more.
Update: Kristin has made available a PDF version for those who rather have this format:
"A Natural Approach to reversing brain disorders-learning disabilities with Young Living", available on, in PDF format.
A Side Note for the doubted:
Be well everyone, and stay posted for my blog post that will be a bit on the deep side. It is a hard one to complete for me so bear with me.
*big hugs to you all*
Bye for now
~Jennifer C. Wolf o:)
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