Saturday, August 4, 2012

short update for now... ...or is it short as I thought at first? :P

Been  doing ok,   getting out more and regaining life and function lil at a time. Such a slow  thing recovering with things,   but for the most part,    its just nice to feel better.   Yesterday,  I had an appmt to have bloodwork done,   an early time too,   so,   decided to  sleep after I got back home.  LOL,    Doc  put  in for my going to  radiology right after  the Lab visit and so  that added to less sleep, gotta love those appointment reminder calls where you find out the  changes, lol.

As far I kno all is still ok,   I have couple cysts. Its no news about my having those,  I always had them throughout  my life far as I remember,  since middle school at least. Still tho,   I just get nervous with any scan,  and the  wait till follow up to find out details if anything,   grrr,, , unless  Im called in,   then Ill kno,  but so far,  no call. *suspense continues*

Now, perhaps  the details have not really been said  here,  since I  deleted alot of my older posts,   but, to say briefly.....        I learned I  have   a dum hereditary gene,   it caused  early age cirrhosis,   turned cancer,  and  it spread. I found out in 08,  , Im the 2% according to my  health team, Im a survivor, and am thankful each day I  wake up.  I may not be   the picture of  health  yet,  but ,  in time Im sure,    I still need a transplant,  no longer on critical list but on the list still,   tho, with my blood type, just hard to find  my match,  so many factors,     but Im still here.   o:)

To some, Im left with alot of loss,   , that sounds like an oxymoron,  I kno, lol.   No voice (nerve damage during tumor extraction),  have lil feeling below my waist and  lost of precision of my left arm (complication of hypoglycimia), and must eat several small meals  instead of  normal three square meals a day.    I take  vitamins,   nutrition supplements,  seemingly all day....    BUT,  Im alive,   I can type,  I can play world of warcraft, I have friends, I have a smile. I have alot, and that surpasses the loss. Im still  finding my ways to get around  my  disabilities, and that too is a slow process. I have yet to learn sign,  but noone around me knows it, but I have found ways to communicate, and that works well so far.  In time,  Ill learn it for sure.

In WoW game,  I  was told in a private conversation chat about raid group leading, to never to allow my disabilities to get in the way of doing what I can otherwise be fully capable of doing. Which is the point I took from  what was said  in that chat, and I  fully respect that  point. I have yet to let  some things  keep me down,  but  ,  the  subject of that mention  was of my being mute and therefor,  my thought  I  could not be a leader in  a group in world of warcraft. They use ventrilo,  a voice  chat program, to  talk to  the group logged in  "vent" alongside the game. It helps tons  with giving directions and  voicing is sooo much faster than, my typing,  or typoing, lol,  the directions to the group.  Ill find a way on this  setback on  how to  get  around the voice thing,  but for now,  Ill type,  even if it holds  raid up some, if I  find myself in a lead spot in a group one day,  lol. Perhaps I can create macro buttons to  actually  use a recording to say something into  the mic channel,  hmm,  ideas, ideas, lol.
      To read up on my venture in the game  of World of Warcraft,  click ->> HERE <<-

I may try being lead one day, but will need help with voicing shout outs on some things , but  I can direct, I kno the  strategies and such,   but   just have not found a way to voice in that game. I kno I can  use  text to voice  stuff,  but,  what I  used before took  a long time, and Im not sure if I can  change settings in   sound input from  output of what I hear into  vent  without  causing feedback when others talk.  Maybe Ill figure setting something with sound channels or  ,  Idk,  but Ill figure it out  sometime for sure. For now,  I can  assist and be  of help  with strategy with my friend who is lead in my group in game and work on something in the mean time.

For now,   this story continues,    Im still here,  and   I  am thinking on   doing   as the  Doc suggested,    and thats  doing  a "last"  treatment,   to be sure, and it may be low level dosages, not sure.    I just  been  enjoying  feeling  well  ,    about as well as  a stitched up swiss cheese block, LOL,  just kidding on that.     I will  be  oks,  my dark humor still intact,  its a good sign,  trust me.  But  , ya,  Im going to  be consulted on  the   treatment  soon after  I return  from  my trip up to Mammoth Lakes. I miss it up there,  and  I cant wait to  just  sit and relax in that  crisp air , listenning to the sounds of the wind blowing  on the tops of the trees,  birds   chirping,     squirrels   climbing  the trees,  bears strolling through  the camp....    bears? What?!!  LOL,   ya,   last time  we saw a bear,     the forestry rangers  had to tranquilize  the bear to  transport it safely   up higher into the forest away from the  town. Bears  can cause extensive damage  when   irresponsible visitors  are  in the area as well as  both bear and humans   being in danger of injury or death. I am  a very responsible camper, as are both my brother and my best friend, who  are taking me. That bear was heading towards a construction site  near the main road in town,  so  they had little choice  but to use a tranquilizer gun to  keep all safe,  bear and ppls.

Ill update more on anything as  things go on with stuffs in the world of Jenncraft, lol. and I might post a pic or two of  my trip,  mebbe.  but dont expect me in it. Thats  not  gonna happen yet. Besides, I hate  my pic taken  before,  so       imagine how I feel   after  stuff  , happened,  mmhmm.  Anyhoo,      best of health to you all,    live to the fullest in  the time you have,   and  be well  doing it. At least  as well  as u can be,     o:)       

Bye for now  o:)

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