Saturday, November 17, 2012

So sorry I not been on here much lately..

I been going thru alot of new things and alot of good news and some confusing stuff thrown in for  good measure. First off,  I want to post a video I made using my "Why I Relay" recording I had made for the 2011 RFLofSL. I know it took me forever to do but, I finally did it and better late than never,  right?    lol,    I will say  most of my updates lately have been on my Facebook and if you wish to go there, heres a link...

Be sure to send a message to me that you are from my blogger so I know when I get friend requests,  :)         I get  requests sometimes from people  who just  troll around fb, so I have become cautious as to who I accept lately, lol.   Anyhoo, like I said, alot of stuffs happened lately,  and one great thing is,  finally,  I am  cancer free.   :')    I have  been without any new findings for a while, but based on my choice not to go through preventive chemo treatment, I was at a very high risk and was on a slow recovery from all I had gone through. In other words, I chose quality over quantity and lately I had chose to get prepared for anything they advised I do. That brought on a few tests that found I had some elevated afp levels, that oddly was not seen a month before, then I had another test  couple weeks later and the same.
All in all,   they found no cancer, but I am treating the cause of it all,  and now am on Prednisone to treat the autoimmune hepatitus and have been placed on a new status with the transplant waiting list, with new score, although  a lower score, but that only means Im not doing as bad as I have in that past.  
Ya, Im still very confused on the  whole process of my journey, but Im here, and thats what counts. Ill probably  come back to this blog now and again, but not as much as I do Facebook.  I am trying to consolidate my online stuffs, so do say hi if u wish, no obligation.   o:)  

Bye for now and thank you all for reading my blog.   *big hugs*       ~Jenn   o:)

Here is the video I made using the recording I made that was used at the RFLofSL event opening ceremony, mentioned on my Why I Relay For Life post...